Cancer Rehabilitation
Following a diagnosis of cancer, there are many health professionals one would see: doctors, oncologists, nurses, surgeons, radiologists, psychologists, dietician, and social worker. One that might not immediately come to mind is an Occupational Therapist. But they too serve an important part of the team. Whilst the doctors and oncologists will be focusing on adding quantity to life, an Occupational Therapist will help you focus on quality of life.
An occupational therapist can assist with minimizing some of the symptoms associated with cancer and their treatments, as well assist in managing day-to-day activities. They can assist with throughout the continuum of care: the newly diagnosed, those undergoing treatment, those in palliative care and those who have survived cancer.

An Occupational Therapist can assist in the following areas:
- Helping patients achieve their highest level of independence
- Assist with improving quality of life and participation in activities that bring meaning to one’s life
- Assist in managing performance in daily activities be it self-care, leisure, and work
- Teach activity modifications; provide assistive devices to enable participation
- Assist with positioning following surgery or to avoid complications of immobility.
- Provide pain management strategies
- Address weakness and fatigue
- Therapeutic exercise to improve and maintain range of motion and posture
- Lymphoedema therapy to assist in reducing swelling. It can also assist in pain management, especially those in palliative care.
- Assist in managing neuropathy, associated with cancer treatments
- Pain management
- Management of scar tissue that may be causing immobility and discomfort
Schedule an Appointment
For an integrated approach to Occupational Therapy services, contact us on the details below.
Hands, Lymphoedema & Breast Cancer
079 491 6450